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The Fruit of the Spirit is...JOY 🎄


“Joy to the world; the Lord is come; Let Earth receive her King;

Let ev'ry Heart prepare him room, And Heav'n and nature sing….”

Where is the joy? Is it here, is it there?

We’re seeking and searching - looking everywhere.

Is it over the fence? Is it in the next season?

Has she found true joy? What is the reason

That joy feels so scarce - where did it go?

It feels as though nobody knows.

We’re worrying, hurrying, spending and tired.

We’re wanting and hunting for joy in this mire.

And we’re living this lie right in front of little eyes -

That joy’s found in the world, Jesus isn’t our prize.

Our attention has wandered, we’ve lost our first love,

Our Savior, Messiah, this gift from above.

We’re spending time filling our Amazon carts

Instead of preparing Him room in our hearts.

We don’t need more lights and we don’t need more cheer,

We just need to acknowledge - Jesus is here!

The Light of the World - our Father and friend,

He’s the Good Shepherd - His love never ends.

We go searching and chasing and seeking for naught -

He’s all that we need and all we could want.

He’s precious and priceless, He’s one of a kind,

There’s no one like Jesus that you’ll ever find.

He was sent as a baby, our God wrapped in skin,

He lived and He died and then rose again.

This is why we have joy - nothing else will come close.

Our Mighty God, Jesus, He gave up the most.

So let’s surrender our lives and release all our things,

Receiving instead the King of all kings.

May our kids see it’s true: it’s not about stuff!

It’s all about Jesus - He’s more than enough.

And may we be the most joy-filled of all -

Not because of what we have but because we are called:

We are His, we are whole, we are found and free

We have life to the full and that’s more than we need.

It’s the call of Christmas: to come and adore

The only One worthy of bowing before

He’s high and he’s holy and yet, He is near.

Immanuel has come - we’ve nothing to fear.

So turn your eyes upon Jesus, just focus on Him

In the joy of His presence, all else will grow dim.

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