There’s a fresh surge of self-sufficiency rising up around this time of year. The subtle lies snake their way across screens and into souls: “This is your year!” “You can do anything!”
Disguised as resolutions is this rush of self-reliance; this desire to do it all, perform, perfect and achieve. I convince myself we are going to have the healthiest, most fun, family-oriented, God-centered year EVER. And I’m going to be the best mom EVER this year ;) It seems innocent and noble enough.
But with each resolution on my list, my heart drifts from dependence on God and I start to feel in a way…invincible. Self-sufficient. It’s exhilarating - this illusion that I am in control.
And it leaves me making plans without praying.
Making lists without listening to God.
Making goals without considering my soul.
Making resolutions without releasing my desires.
This year, I’m trying something different - rethinking my resolutions, reordering the process and relinquishing control.
I’m going to pray before I make any plans.
I’m going to delay the lists and goals and start by bending my knees, depending and surrendering, asking God this question: “What do you have for me in 2024?”
And I’m going to actually take the time to sit and listen and be with God as we start this year. I’m intrigued and hesitant and frightened and excited all at the same time - but I'm expecting God to speak! I'd love for you to join me!
How I'm processing the old & new as we start the year:
Ask God: How do you perceive my past year?
Ask yourself: How did I grow in 2023? What did I grieve last year (tangible or intangible - loss, transition, unmet expectations, unfulfilled desires)?
Ask God: What do you have for me in 2024?
Ask yourself: What do I need to release so that I can receive what God has for me? (expectations, uses of time/money/energy, dreams, desires, plans)
Ask God: What dreams do you want to conceive in my heart in the coming year?
Ask yourself: What am I believing God for in 2024?