The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever. Isaiah 40:8
The very act of opening your Bible in the morning, for a moment or two or as much time as your little ones allow - it is a simple decision that can change the course of your day, the direction of your gaze. But it can feel so hard in the moment - like swimming upstream, fighting the current.
This Book is your very life and breath and daily bread. It is the Source that will sustain you in the mundane of this season. It is the Sword of the Spirit, alive and active, dividing soul and spirit, bone and marrow. Your weapon to wield and words that will heal.
It is timely and timeless, eternal and true. Honey on your lips and a light for your path. feels hard.
We are busy and bruised and barely making it through the day. Our children are clinging and needing and wanting and we are but one person, trying to hold a home together…
The enemy will resist you daily - it will seem that there are a million things that need to be done in that moment when you open the Word of God. Your motivation will wane and your mind will wander and he will do whatever it takes to pull you away.
For the sake of yourself and your little ones, stay the course. Open the Book - you need this more than life itself. More than breath. With all that motherhood is pulling out of you, you need to be steeped in this Book of Life - the only words that will stand to the very end.
You will find the wisdom, energy and hope for your day there. Just ask Him - you will.
Jesus, may your Word be my delight. May I rejoice in your Word. May I read it, sing it, meditate on it day and night. Your Word will never return void, and so whatever time I spend in it will never be wasted. It will produce good and beautiful things in me and through me - more than I could ever dream or imagine.
And so may I cling to your Word. What a privilege to own a copy, to be able to open it freely. What a gift - this access to listen, to learn, to linger in your word. May I not take it for granted, but rather take advantage of every opportunity to soak in this gift - the very word of God given to us.
"Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law" (Psalm 119:18).